How much is my bike worth?

We recommend using our price recommendation tool. This tool automatically calculates the best price to quickly sell your bike using several of the factors below.

But if you'd like to find the price on your own, here are some tips:

  • Calculate the cost of the bike's components and accessories. Estimate the current market value of each part in used condition.
  • Add the value to determine a baseline price.
  • Factor depreciation based on wear, age, and demand. Deduct this depreciated amount from the total.
  • Consider how much profit you hope to make. Add a reasonable markup to reach your desired selling price.
  • Research similar bikes on our site. Include bikes with a similar age and components. 
  • If you don't get much interest, slowly lower your price until demand picks up.
  • Be prepared to negotiate if buyers make reasonable counteroffers. But don't go lower than what feels fair.


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