How can I turn off buycycle notifications?

Getting too much info from us or not the right kind anymore? Here’s how you can manage or turn off notifications.

Manage Your Notifications:

  1. Go to Notification Settings: Log into your buycycle account and navigate to the “Notification Settings” section.
  2. Choose What You Want to Receive: Here, you can select the types of information and updates you want to get from us. Customize it to fit your preferences.

Adjusting Saved Search Notifications:

  • If you’re getting too many notifications about saved searches, check your saved searches to ensure they’re specific and up-to-date. For example, if you’ve saved a broad search for all “Trek” bikes, you might get to many notifications. Our tip: Refine your search criteria to get more relevant updates.

Unsubscribe from Our Newsletter:

  • If you want to unsubscribe from our newsletter, simply scroll to the bottom of the newsletter email and click “Unsubscribe.” Just keep in mind that you might miss out on exclusive discounts and special offers.

We’re here to ensure you get the information you want, how you want it! If you need more help adjusting your settings, feel free to reach out to us.


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